How to Use TO NOT and NOT TO? Basic English Grammar | Ask Alisha

English Grammar ، English Language ، Language Learning
In this video, Alisha answers 6 questions. - Some people use ""lol"" on the internet what does it mean? - Please tell us about difference between ""to not"" and ""not to"" - Can i use the ‘though’ instead of the ‘nevertheless’? It looks as their meanings are same. - The words ""whether"" and ""weather"" has a same pronunciation? And ""whether"" has the same sense to ""if""? Could you use It in some example? - What's the difference between ""bored with"" and ""bored by"" - What's the correct word ""Let me ask a question"" or ""Lemme ask a question""? Your favourite English teacher Alisha takes the questions you've been asking and lay them out in an easy-to-follow format. Turn those question marks into exclamation points and get on with your English study. Interact with Alisha to clear up any confusion you have or just satisfy your curiosity. Not only you’ll be able to send questions but also power up your language with your free lifetime account. Learning English is made easy for you.
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